Solar Powered Air Compressor and Vehicle Sanitizer

Solar Powered Garage

Built Environments Livelihood Micro Business


Maruthi lives in Hubli district with his wife and three daughters. He owns and runs a puncture shop for the past 40 years. The shop is on corporation land for which he pays a rent of INR 20 per day, but did not have access to an electricity connection. On an average he used to make an income of INR 500- INR 700 per day, pre covid. Additionally, he was suffering with a medical condition which meant he couldn’t not do physically intensive work. He had to go through an operation during the early months of the pandemic, which brought about further financial stress. Thus, the lockdown affected him severely which led to him taking a hand loan of INR 60,000 to meet his overall expenses.


Solar Power Intervention

Due to his medical condition, the doctor had advised him not to indulge in activities which were labour intensive. A mechanized air compressor will help him to reduce drudgery in his puncture shop. His current shop is exclusively reliant on grid electricity, solar powering the shop would reduce overheads such as electricity bill. Further, the physical infrastructure of the shop has deteriorated and seems to be on the verge of collapse. A vehicle sanitizer, given the COVID-19 pandemic, will be of value addition to his puncture shop.



Vehicles which are being used by public servants (police vans, health vans etc) or cars used for relief are mandated to go sanitise regularly. Solar powered air compressor, and vehicle sanitiser were added to his shop. This would increase his productivity and income. A renovated shed and light would improve the quality of his workspace, also allowing him to stay open till later in the evening on some peak business days.



“I could not do anything during the lock-down. There was no business, and I had a health issues which meant I wasn’t able to do any labour intensive work.-All the activities in my shop were manual and being on the road-side, I did not have electricity. Now I see a scope for improvement in my business- vehicle sanitisation will be in demand. And I have also upgraded my shed, and use a motorised air compressor"

“I could not do anything during the lock-down."

